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Erstellt: 28.07.2014

Aktualisiert: 28.07.2014

ID: 50797

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Dies ist eine Joomla-Designvorlage der Bootstrap Education Organization

Was ist es?

Bootstrap是一套开源工具。. Es eignet sich zum Erstellen von Websites und Webanwendungen mit HTML, CSS und Javascript.

Warum ist es gut?


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Dieses Joomla-Theme der Online-Universität ist suchmaschinenfreundlich

Was ist es?

搜索引擎优化网站模板, um Internetnutzer und Suchmaschinen-Bots des Browsers auf Ihre Website-Seite zu bringen.

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September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;


I recently bought this template I bought it for a client that has a language school I am going to start and tell how awesome are the templates from template monster. This template was perfect for this client because he wanted to put students in home page and he has 3 type of student. 小学和大学. The factors that I have when I choose a template are a lot. The first one is that is from template monster smile but it’s true. The templates I find here are clean and simple and it’s very important for me. This means that the info is very fast and clear to the people that are visiting the website Its very important to say to the people that visiting the website what you do and how you do it very fast. The second reason I choose this template is for the 3 small images below the slider. 这是我的客户从一开始就想要的。. 我不能从模板怪物那里要求更多。. The third and important reason I choose the template is for the design it’s a very special template different from the others when you see it you can tell that its custom made like my client work so its fits like a glove to him. 我有话要说. 我是一名网页设计师,我为生活制作网站。. 我不知道有什么想法编码,html, css. But thanks to template monster I can provide for my family. I can tell you a lot for choosing a template from template monster the really work very good but the most important reason to trust template monster is the support the provide. It is more than support it works 24 h to 24 and they solve all of your problems. All of you should really try to feel the experience of the support they have. So anyone can make templates but little support them in the right way so I choose template monster. This was the important reason that I choose this and not only this all the templates I get. 模板怪物创建它…. you should get it. 我想说的是,我想说的是,我想说的是,我想说的是。 Spyros Romanos
你好,我是你的朋友,我是你的朋友。. 易于安装和配置. 我推荐这个模板。. 易于适应各种用途.
Данный шаблон идеально подходит для сайта образовательной компании. 我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是。, Новости, Контакты - необходимый минимум для запуска сайта и начала работы. АдаптивнаяHTML5версткашаблонавыполненабезнареканий. 我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是。, 关于 关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的关于我的, плохоразбирающимисявпрограммированиииверстке. Дизайняркийиплоский,безизлишеств.
请看看赋权的受害者.org The template was easy to adapt, easy to work with and highly effective. 我们得到了很多赞美. Why this template? 1 )Effective 2) To the Point 3)易于导航和使用 You will want to go out and get your own pictures of course. 请确保您的安装问题谷歌... 所有信息都可以随时获得。
Making web never been so easy like now with that kind of templates. 这个模板在易于安装后工作得很好。. Good product M.


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4,1 /5
Support rating (249 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 183 4 11 3 5 2 4 1 46
Reaktionszeit: Langsam This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
