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Created: Jan 5, 2018

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

ID: 66751


MaxPro商业计划ppt演示是专门为独特和刺激的商业计划演示量身定制的模板. 这是创意市场上排名第一的商业计划演示模板, and is even recommended by many business planner, because it is the most advanced, 专业和灵活的模板,为您的所有业务计划的需要.

非常适合公司介绍新客户, a sales pitch to investors, a portfolio presentation of your existing work, a financial plan, a marketing strategy, or any other business presentation you can think of, MaxPro商业计划ppt演示有模板, tools and graphics that you need to make an impact.

With 40 pre-made color schemes to choose from, 你可以很容易地根据自己的品牌定制你的演示文稿,并在上面打上你的印记. As you put your business plan slides together, choose from 120 templates and 2000 vector icons, for a truly original and inspiring pitch.

Showcase your business in style, and easily incorporate a wide range of dynamic charts, graphs and infographics; for example, 展示研究成果或比较市场分析, pricing structure, monthly sales, project timelines or milestones, a calendar of upcoming events, or a map to show your global reach. Whatever your requirements, MaxPro PowerPoint商业模板帮助您向您的同事讲述一个引人注目的故事, clients or partners.

你的商业计划演示是完全可定制的, from start to finish, 每个图形和元素都可以在PowerPoint中编辑, 所以不需要Photoshop或Adobe Illustrator. MaxPro还可以通过添加动画和过渡来快速轻松地增强演示文稿. Your rich, 干净和现代的PowerPoint商业计划可以在正常和宽屏模式呈现, and is A4 print ready, so your careful formatting will be preserved.

Designed with real people, real businesses, and real presentations in mind, this comprehensive, 易于使用和完全可定制的PowerPoint模板是完美的为您的专业, dynamic and unique business plan presentation.


  • 182 Multipurpose unique Slides
  • Custom animation for each object
  • 16x9(宽屏)4x3(普通屏)A4(可打印)
  • 20 Color schemes with light and dark backgrounds
  • All Graphic resizable and editable
  • Extensive use of custom placeholders and smart art
  • Easily editable, animation, transitions and moreâ¦
  • Intotal 120 .PPTX File Include
  • All Graphic Resizable and Editable
  • Include Used all vector icons + Extra Icons
  • Image Placeholder PSD Include


  • 请在演示之前先阅读文档

Used FREE font

  • Bebas Neue
  • Roboto


Is it really over 21,500+ slides? Yes it is. Actually 21,840 slides, to be precise. 这里Ã-s我们是如何得到这么多的:有120个模板, 每张大概182张(有几张多一点少一点), with dark and light color versions of each slide. 每套模板超过1092张幻灯片(示例集1明暗3比16Ã-9, 4×3, A4) All together, you get 21,840 slides! 该基金会有超过182个独特的布局,取自现实世界的获奖演讲. 有350个独特的矢量图标,很容易重新上色和调整大小. So, yeah. Lots of slides.

Can I customize the colors?

Yes! 这是设计的核心,并且Ã-s很容易做到. 图形是用可以缩放的矢量对象创建的, recolored and edited with no loss of fidelity. 它们在屏幕上看起来很棒,打印效果也很好,而且文件大小也更小.

Do I need custom fonts?

We use the Bebas neue and roboto fonts, which is FREE! 你可以在这里和这里下载Envato的政策不允许我在你下载的文件中包含字体, 但它Ã-s超级容易只需点击链接,下载字体.

What about the pictures you are using?

所有的图像必须从另一个网站购买,这所有的图像是溢价. Envato政策不允许我在下载中包含任何图像(即使是免费的), 但是所有图片的链接都包含在图片文档中.PDF和Ã-s很容易下载并把它们放在你的演讲中. 作为一家大型广告公司(我不能说是哪家)的创意总监,我有机会接触到一个相当大的(而且昂贵的)!)的图片库,下载这些图片库要花一大笔钱. 所以我在网上找了一些看起来不错又能省钱的免费产品.

Do You Need Professional Custom Design?

I am available for freelance work. Contact me if you are interested! 如果您遇到问题或有疑问,请随时与我联系!

If you love it, remember to FOLLOW ME 所以你会收到我发布新产品的最新消息! 如果你对这个包有任何问题, 给我发个信息,让我们虚拟地喝杯咖啡讨论一下:)

1 Reviews for this product

模块齐全,兼容的系统,使所有的 / /或所有的 /或所有的/所有的/所有的/所有的/所有的/所有的/所有的/所有的.
Hi! 感谢您从Templateog体育首页购买我们的模板,也感谢您使用此模板评分4星. 请与您的朋友或同事分享此模板,并激励购买此模板. 如果您对这个惊人的设计模板有任何疑问或问题,请随时与我们联系.

1 Comments for this product

Hello. 如果我想让评委接受我的ppt,它的结构条件应该是什么 ??