TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板

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创建: 2014年7月22日

更新: 2024年3月28日

ID: 50729

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10/mo

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TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 1TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 2TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 3TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 4TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 5TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 6TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 7TechSoft -软件开发工作室网站模板 - Features Image 8


A software 发展 studio website template gives your business a great opportunity to easily build a functional website. 虽然许多企业花钱聘请网络开发人员, 您可以通过使用HTML模板来节省大量资源. 这样的解决方案有很多优点. 它们价格实惠,也很容易使用. You just have to unpack the template archive and upload your site.

然而,一个普通的模板不会让你的网站变得更好. That's why you always have to demand more from modern HTML solutions. 正是出于这个原因,我们构建了TechSoft模板. We tried our best to sure that it satisfies the requirements of software developers. 它是基于引导 5更好的响应. 该框架还提供了易于维护的功能. Undoubtedly, it is important for many website owners who want to control their sites.


The TechSoft software 发展 studio website template provides a clean and bright design. 由于信息布局,您可以发布任何类型的内容. Also, with this template, your web resource will be available on any gadget or 设备. 它也将支持任何屏幕分辨率. 我们的模板提供了很多机会. For example, you can take benefit of using these awesome and highly useful features:

  1. W3C有效 & SEO-ready代码;
  2. SCSS & Pug源文件;
  3. 谷歌字体 & 谷歌地图;
  4. 工作联系 & 通讯订阅表格;
  5. 令人印象深刻的CSS3动画.

我们的HTML模板提供了一组广泛的预开发页面. 它们是为满足您业务的各种需求而设计的. 简单地说, with our software 发展 studio website template you can give detailed information about what you do. 例如,您可以使用About us页面来实现此目标. 或者您可以通过定价页面分享当前价格. Don't forget that you can connect directly with your customers due to the og体育 page.


许多网站所有者的目标是使他们的网站独一无二. 为了帮助您实现它,我们包含了各种UI元素. They are already integrated into the TechSoft software 发展 studio website template. However, these elements can be used to make your website look more special. For example, you can add more colorful buttons or change the look of tabs and counters. 如果你是一个开发者, you'll certainly get lots of customization possibilities with this UI kit.

In case you're looking for more information about the TechSoft, its documentation might be helpful. 它在模板安装过程中提供基本帮助. 它还可以帮助您正确配置这个HTML解决方案. However, there might be situations where you'd require additional 支持. 如果发生这种情况,我们合格的团队将随时为您提供帮助. We believe that our template catalog will be useful to you in establishing your new website.


TechSoft Version 2.1(2024年3月28日):

  • UPD:引导到5.3.2;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.j到2.11.8;
  • UPD: PHPMailer到6.8.1;
  • UPD:选择2 ~ 4.0.13;
  • UPD:盗贼到8.4.6;
  • 修复:小错误修复.

TechSoft Version 2.0(2022年10月31日):

  • UPD:引导到5.2.0;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.j到2.11.5;
  • UPD: Jquery到3.6.0;
  • Jquery迁移到3.3.2;
  • UPD: Form to 4.3.0;
  • 修复:CSS样式;
  • 修复:小错误修复.

TechSoft Version 1.3(2021年2月26日):

  • UPD: bootstrap到4.5.3;
  • UPD: swiper为5.3.1;
  • 乌利希期刊指南:波普尔.j到1.16.1;
  • 修复:小错误修复.

TechSoft Version 1.2.1(2020年11月27日):

  • UPD: SCSS优化;
  • UPD:脚本更新;
  • FIX:项目结构;
  • 修复:小错误修复.

TechSoft Version 1.2(2020年8月28日):

  • UPD:更新的引导脚本.2到引导.4.1;;
  • UPD:更新的引导SCSS 4.2到引导.4.1;
  • 升级版Popper 1.11对波普尔1.16;
  • 更新后的猫头鹰旋转木马2.2.1 to 2.3.4;
  • 修复:小错误修复.

TechSoft Version 1.1.1(2019年12月4日):

  • 修复:小错误修复.


We enjoy the depth of the pages and art supplied to provide us a more robust and diverse template to build from for various necessary pages for us to build with clear and concise direction. Techsoft是一个很好的模板!
易于使用此站点背后的代码. 我用这个为我自己的网站.
Polecam wszystkim usługi模板怪物. Serwis posiada naprawdę duży wybór nowoczesnych strony internetowych oraz bardzo sprawnie działający dział pomocy 科技nicznej. Na czacie w czasie rzeczywistym można rozwiązać niemal każdy problem. Ja osobiście miałem 2 z którymi konsultant poradził sobie w 15 最小值ut. Pełen profesjonalizm i podejście, w którym głównym punktem jest zadowolenie klienta. W przyszłości na pewno skorzystam z usług kolejny raz.
Pretty good template for fast starting up with website if you don't want to spend money and time for design and markup. 但有一些小情况,我不能把5. 没有内置模态,所以我们使用bootstrap模态. 和核心.最小值.js file is in concatenated and 最小值imized state - that works out of the box but causing some small troubles if someone need to change some dependencies - it would be so cool to have package.json file to make it possible to install all the dependencies separately. 当然,有些人根本不会把它当成麻烦. Anyway, this template worth its price, and we are satisfied with our purchase :-) .
This template is sleek, responsive, modern, and truly game changing. The 移动 site is beautiful and fast and all of the colors are crisp and full. This site has a pretty nice plethora of themes to offer that are really high quality. I would recommend this template to anyone looking to run a 技术 startup in the future. 它有巨大的潜力. From the font to the responsive bootstrap, I can't think of a single con.





4.4 /5
支持度评分(590年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received 支持 from the author of this product. 5 457 4 39 3 15 2 8 1 71
响应时间: 正常的 This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
